

@interface APSMediaPlayerClosableOverlayController
    : APSMediaPlayerOverlayController


class APSMediaPlayerClosableOverlayController : APSMediaPlayerOverlayController

The APSMediaPlayerClosableOverlayController class is meant to be a superclass for overlay controllers that need to display a configurable close button to remove the overlay from screen.

The class adds a set of standard keys to any overlay controller’s own defined keys, to handle close button configuration. Methods are also exposed to allow a subclass to add and remove the close button from its view stack.

  • This method adds the close button to the current view stack.

    The close button is configurable using the provided dictionary structure. Available configuration keys and values are:

    • kAPSCloseImage: if set to a UIImage, that image will be used instead of the standard progress-wheel close button.
    • kAPSCloseSize: a NSNumber reprezenting the lenght of a side of the close button square, in points. Defaults to 16.
    • kAPSCloseBackgroundColor: the background color of the close button view. Set this to a UIColor or a NSString containing the hex color reprezentation. Defaults to [UIColor clearColor].
    • kAPSCloseXColor: the color of the X symbol in the center of the player. Set this to a NSString containing the hex color reprezentation. Defaults to [UIColor darkGrayColor].
    • kAPSCloseProgressColor: the color of the circular bar that indicates the currently elapsed time until the close button can be tapped. Set this to a NSString containing the hex color reprezentation. Defaults to [UIColor darkGrayColor].
    • kAPSCloseProgressTrackColor: the color of the circular bar that indicates the total time until the close button can be tapped. Set this to a NSString containing the hex color reprezentation. Defaults to [UIColor lightGrayColor].
    • kAPSCloseOffsetX: the horizontal offset of the close button, relative to the right margin of the overlay’s view. Set this to a NSNumber. Defaults to 0.
    • kAPSCloseOffsetY: the vertical offset of the close button, relative to the top margin of the overlay’s view. Set this to a NSNumber. Defaults to 0.
    • kAPSCloseInitialAlpha: a NSNumber indicating the opacity of the close button before it is activated for receiving taps. Defaults to 0.5.
    • kAPSCloseFinalAlpha: a NSNumber indicating the opacity of the close button after it has been activated for receiving taps. Defaults to 0.7.
    • kAPSCloseHidden: set this key to @YES to skip displaying the close button for this overlay. Defaults to @NO.
    • kAPSCloseOffset: a NSNumber that indicates the offset, in seconds, after which the close button should become activated for receiving taps. Defaults to 3.
    • kAPSCloseTrackingURLs: a NSArray of NSURLs that will be tracked by the player when the close button is tapped and the overlay is removed (see [APSMediaPlayer track:forEvent:type:]).



    - (UIView *_Nullable)addCloseButtonWithParameters:
        (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *_Nonnull)parameters;


    func addCloseButton(withParameters parameters: [String : Any]) -> UIView?



    A dictionary containing configuration information.

  • This method removes the close button from the current view stack.



    - (void)removeCloseButton;


    func removeCloseButton()