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DASH .mpd Manifests

Veeplay supports .mpd live and video on demand (VOD) manifests that follow the guidelines for the DASH dynamic profile. Veeplay accepts multi-period and single-period DASH-compliant manifest inputs, and delivers multi-period DASH-compliant manifest outputs.

DASH manifests must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Manifests must be accessible on the public internet.

  • Manifests must be live or video on demand (VOD).

  • Manifests must mark events as ad avails using either splice insert markers or time signal markers. You can provide the ad markers in clear XML or in base64-encoded binary. For splice insert, the out-of-network indicator must be enabled. For time signal markers, the segmentation type ID, located inside the segmentation UPID, must be a cue-out value recognized by Veeplay. The ad avail starts at the event start and lasts for the event duration, if one is specified, or until the next event starts.

    The following example shows an event designated as an ad avail using splice insert markers. The duration for this ad avail is the event's duration.

    <Period start="PT444806.040S" id="123586" duration="PT15.000S">
    <EventStream timescale="90000" schemeIdUri="urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml">
    <Event duration="1350000">
    <scte35:SpliceInfoSection protocolVersion="0" ptsAdjustment="180832" tier="4095">
    <scte35:SpliceInsert spliceEventId="4026531855" spliceEventCancelIndicator="false" outOfNetworkIndicator="true" spliceImmediateFlag="false" uniqueProgramId="1" availNum="1" availsExpected="1">
    <scte35:Program><scte35:SpliceTime ptsTime="5672624400"/></scte35:Program>
    <scte35:BreakDuration autoReturn="true" duration="1350000"/>
    <AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4"
  • Ad avails must have the same AdaptationSet and Representation settings as content streams. Veeplay uses these settings to transcode the ads to match the content stream, for smooth switching between the two.

Input manifests must have the following:

  • At least one Period element with a start attribute.
  • SCTE-35 event streams with splice info settings for either splice insert or time signal. The settings can be provided in clear XML or in base64-encoded binary.
  • Segment templates with segment timelines.

For published manifests, Veeplay requires that updates by the origin server leave the following unchanged:

  • Period start times, specified in the start attribute.
  • Values of presentationTimeOffset in the segment templates of the period representations.

As a best practice, give the ad avails the same AdaptationSet and Representation settings as the content stream periods. Veeplay uses these settings to transcode the ads to match the content stream, for smooth switching between the two.

DASH Ad Avail Duration#

During playback, when Veeplay encounters an ad avail, it replaces some or all of the avail with ads. Veeplay starts ad replacement at the beginning of the ad avail and includes ads as follows:

  • If the ad avail specifies a duration, Veeplay includes as many ads as it can fit inside the duration boundary, without overwriting content that follows.
  • If no duration is provided, Veeplay includes ads until it reaches the end of the ad avail. For multi-period manifests, this is the end of the period. For single-period manifests, this is the end of the event. Veeplay doesn't play ads past the end of the ad avail and, when it encounters the end, truncates the current ad instead of overwriting the content that follows.

How Veeplay looks for the ad avail duration
Veeplay searches for a duration setting in the following order:

  1. Event duration

  2. For splice insert, the scte35:BreakDuration duration

  3. For time signal, the scte35:SegmentationDescriptor segmentationDuration

If Veeplay doesn't find any of these settings, it manages ad inclusion without a duration.

The following example shows an Event that has a duration.

<Period start="PT444806.040S" id="123586" duration="PT15.000S">
<EventStream timescale="90000" schemeIdUri="urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml">
<Event duration="1350000">
<scte35:SpliceInfoSection protocolVersion="0" ptsAdjustment="180832" tier="4095">
<scte35:SpliceInsert spliceEventId="4026531855" spliceEventCancelIndicator="false" outOfNetworkIndicator="true" spliceImmediateFlag="false" uniqueProgramId="1" availNum="1" availsExpected="1">
<scte35:Program><scte35:SpliceTime ptsTime="5672624400"/></scte35:Program>
<scte35:BreakDuration autoReturn="true" duration="1350000"/>

The following example shows ad avail with no duration specified. The Event has no duration and the scte35:SpliceInsert element doesn't contain a scte35:BreakDuration child element.

<Period start="PT444836.720S" id="123597" duration="PT12.280S">
<EventStream timescale="90000" schemeIdUri="urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml">
<scte35:SpliceInfoSection protocolVersion="0" ptsAdjustment="180832" tier="4095">
<scte35:SpliceInsert spliceEventId="4026531856" spliceEventCancelIndicator="false" outOfNetworkIndicator="true" spliceImmediateFlag="false" uniqueProgramId="1" availNum="1" availsExpected="1">
<scte35:Program><scte35:SpliceTime ptsTime="5675385600"/></scte35:Program>

DASH Ad Markers#

Veeplay identifies ad avails in a DASH manifest by splice insert and time signal cue-out markers, as follows:

  • In a multi-period DASH manifest, a Period is considered an ad avail when the first Event in its event stream contains splice insert or time signal cue-out markers. In multi-period DASH, Veeplay ignores all but the first event in a period.
  • In a single-period DASH manifest, an Event is considered an ad avail when it contains splice insert or time signal cue-out markers.

By default, Veeplay manages DASH manifests as multi-period manifests.

You can provide ad markers in clear XML or in base64-encoded binary:

Clear XML
The event stream schemeIdUri must be set to urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml, and the event must have scte35:SpliceInfoSection markers containing one of the following:

  • scte35:SpliceInsert with outOfNetworkIndicator set to true

    The following example shows this option, with the required markers in bold.

    <Period start="PT444806.040S" id="123586" duration="PT15.000S">
    <EventStream timescale="90000" schemeIdUri="urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml">
    <Event duration="1350000">
    <scte35:SpliceInfoSection protocolVersion="0" ptsAdjustment="180832" tier="4095">
    <scte35:SpliceInsert spliceEventId="4026531855" spliceEventCancelIndicator="false" outOfNetworkIndicator="true" spliceImmediateFlag="false" uniqueProgramId="1" availNum="1" availsExpected="1">
    <scte35:Program><scte35:SpliceTime ptsTime="5672624400"/></scte35:Program>
    <scte35:BreakDuration autoReturn="true" duration="1350000"/>
  • scte35:TimeSignal accompanied by scte35:SegmentationDescriptor scte35:SegmentationUpid with segmentationTypeId set to one of the following cue-out numbers:

    • 0x22 (start break)
    • 0x30 (provider advertisement start)
    • 0x32 (distributor advertisement start)
    • 0x34 (provider placement opportunity start)
    • 0x36 (distributor placement opportunity start)

    The following example shows this option, with the required markers in bold. The segmentationTypeId in this example is set to 52, equivalent to 0x34.

    <Period start="PT346530.250S" id="178443" duration="PT61.561S">
    <EventStream timescale="90000" schemeIdUri="urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml">
    <Event duration="5310000">
    <scte35:SpliceInfoSection protocolVersion="0" ptsAdjustment="183003" tier="4095">
    <scte35:SpliceTime ptsTime="3442857000"/>
    <scte35:SegmentationDescriptor segmentationEventId="1414668" segmentationEventCancelIndicator="false" segmentationDuration="8100000">
    <scte35:DeliveryRestrictions webDeliveryAllowedFlag="false" noRegionalBlackoutFlag="false" archiveAllowedFlag="false" deviceRestrictions="3"/>
    <scte35:SegmentationUpid segmentationUpidType="12" segmentationUpidLength="2" segmentationTypeId="52" segmentNum="0" segmentsExpected="0">0100</scte35:SegmentationUpid>

Base64-encoded binary
The event stream schemeIdUri must be set to urn:scte:scte35:2014:xml+bin, and the event must have scte35:Signal scte35:Binary that contains a base64-encoded binary. The decoded binary must provide a splice_info_section with the same set of information as the clear XML would provide in a scte35:SpliceInfoSection element. The command type must be either splice_insert() or time_signal(), and the additional settings must comply with those described previously for clear XML delivery.

The following example shows this option, with the required markers in bold.

<Period start="PT444806.040S" id="123586" duration="PT15.000S">
<EventStream schemeIdUri="urn:scte:scte35:2014:xml+bin" timescale="1">
<Event presentationTime="1541436240" duration="24" id="29">
<scte35:Signal xmlns="">
<Event presentationTime="1541436360" duration="24" id="30">
<scte35:Signal xmlns="">

The following is the decoded binary for the first event listed in the preceding example. The setting for splice_command_type is 5, which indicates splice_insert.

"table_id": 252,
"section_syntax_indicator": false,
"private_indicator": false,
"section_length": 33,
"protocol_version": 0,
"encrypted_packet": false,
"encryption_algorithm": 0,
"pts_adjustment": 0,
"cw_index": 0,
"tier": "0xFFF",
"splice_command_length": 16,
"splice_command_type": 5,
"splice_command": {
"splice_event_id": 448,
"splice_event_cancel_indicator": false,
"out_of_network_indicator": true,
"program_splice_flag": true,
"duration_flag": true,
"splice_immediate_flag": false,
"utc_splice_time": {
"time_specified_flag": false,
"pts_time": null
"component_count": 0,
"components": null,
"break_duration": {
"auto_return": false,
"duration": {
"pts_time": 2160000,
"wall_clock_seconds": 24.0,
"wall_clock_time": "00:00:24:00000"
"unique_program_id": 49152,
"avail_num": 0,
"avails_expected": 0
"splice_descriptor_loop_length": 0,
"splice_descriptors": null,
"Scte35Exception": {
"parse_status": "SCTE-35 cue parsing completed with 0 errors.",
"error_messages": [],
"table_id": 252,
"splice_command_type": 5

For multi-period DASH manifests, Veeplay considers only the first Event in an event stream to determine ad replacement markers, and it ignores any additional Event markers in the stream. For single-period DASH manifests, Veeplay considers each Event.

Last updated on by Gabi Dobocan